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Daily Verse

Week 2, January 2024

Image by Kristine Weilert

The Sweet Continuity of Hope
by Santosh Bakaya   8th  January 2024

Tropical Flower

"As she staggered on arthritic feet, her walking stick  fell down. 

"Ouch ", she exclaimed, staring into a bleak, bottomless pit.


Just at that very moment she heard a tiny chuckle.

It was the maid at the gate, 

with her two year old.  

With a happy smile, the toddler stretched her tiny arms towards her. 

The old woman smiled. 

She felt like a skittish youngster, pulling a shawl around her, with the swiftness of a 'quick change' artist,  

with a springy step,  lively eyes,  incredible vivacity, and  a confident gait, she walked towards the little one, arms outstretched. 

Soon she was mollycoddling the toddler.


Resiliently she clung to the sweet continuity of hope. Lo and behold ! 

Her mind ran away at a canter.

She was in an enchanted garden, dancing and pirouetting. Hopping and skipping, tripping over pebbles. Ah, she -  a tiny rebel ! 

The transparent innocence  of four  eyes lit up the surroundings. 


Even the comatose birds burst into song. The drooping and slothful  leaves rustled along. 

Indian Spices


by Mona Bedi, 9th January 2024

Rosemary and Olives

dad's old trunk
reviving memories

Image by dan carlson

tasting the rain
with my granddaughter
her first monsoon

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 11.36.10 AM.png

kintsugi --
I decorate the broken
pieces of me

Image by Ales Krivec

The Revival of Spring
ByAditi Lahiry 10th January 2024

Pencil and notepad

That time of the year arrived mystically

The songs of the cuckoo enchanted one and all amazingly

A while ago , the chilly Northern Winds  froze the thought ink within the core

They preferred to bury themselves deep inside the store

Alas! The Spring chariot arrived early with a dozen of flowers and hues of rainbow knocking the door

For a while during those freezing days , the thoughts went numb as if they were hibernating for days on end

The thoughts draped in the Spring hues appeared refreshed continuously

They gradually rejuvenated, their renewal and resurgence announced the revival of Spring gradually

The hopeful thoughts poured in , took shape of a story or a verse coincidentally

Spring watched  it's revival ,spreading its magical  hues on frozen thoughts genuinely

The couplets, ballads, sonnets and ode along with magical stories thawed the layers of frost meticulously

Oh ! Spring , the season of rebirth , revival , rejuvenation and resurgence, be the Muse of many poets and writers

Entangle the webs concealing the beautiful thoughts

Help them take a perfect shape, with your revival let the rejuvenated thoughts flow like the river

Bubbling , babbling , blissfully blooming amidst all the wilderness.

Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 10.12.48 AM.png


by Jerome Berglund 11th January 2024

Image by bady abbas

gray dragon

adrift on ocean 

the skyline


Poet's Note: Besides 2024 being the year of the dragon, clouds in the sky reminded me of the "dragon ships" in which Norseman first crossed the ocean and communed peacefully with the indigenous populations of my nation.  A return to more healthy traditions of fellowship, an embrace of a world without borders, would be ideal for future generations!

Image by freestocks

christmas lights

blink on and off

Vegas baby


Poets' Note: In the most depressing season of the year the allure of holiday merriment signals the new year to come, promising opportunities, pleasant interactions with friends and family, perhaps gifting and enjoying of home cooked meals!  It's astonishing how bright lights can transform the bleakest mood into uplifting and jolliness. 

Image by Evelyn  Paris

new paint

on the door

things we can


Poet's Note: A fresh touch up literally and figuratively is something we all do our best to accomplish whenever possible, some things we are unable to change despite our best efforts but within our small personal spheres of influence we can accomplish a great deal, and are always learning new tricks and improving ourselves throughout our diligent lives... :D

Image by Michael & Diane Weidner

in the dirt

where old train tracks let up

spotted knapweed


Poet's Note: They often say when someone shuts a door they open a window.  Where train lines have ceased to function and gone to seed, nature and new life reclaims the space and wildflowers proliferate, natural flora nourish the ecosystem and feed bees and butterflies.

Image by Lina Trochez

The Turning
By Rupa Anand,  12th January 2024



worked and worked 

at a frenetic pace

till emptiness hit us

straight in our face


we travelled and partied

we feasted and gorged

then tired and disgusted

we turned away bored


we searched the world

for that ancient wisdom 

that an exhausted brain 

would adopt as its system


done with the stupidity

of the foolishly stupid

we started to assemble 

how life could be rooted


the fools who entice us 

with lies are respected

while the vision of purity

is spurned and rejected 


but the seekers succeed

with Truth by their side

being mild and brave

the gross world override 

Biographies of Poets

Santosh Bakaya is a Ph.D., a poet, essayist, novelist, biographer, Tedx speaker and has authored as many as twenty-three books across different genres. She is the Winner of Reuel International Award for poetry [2014] and Setu Award for her stellar contribution to world literature [2018]. She has been acclaimed for her poetic biography of Mahatma Gandhi, Ballad of Bapu.  Her biography on Martin Luther King Jr. Only in Darkness can you see the Stars has also been critically acclaimed.  Her latest book is Runcible Spoons and Pea-green Boats. She pens a weekly column called Morning Meanderings in Learning and Creativity. Com.

Mona Bedi is a medical doctor in Delhi, India. She has been writing poetry since childhood but a few years back she started writing the Japanese form.. haiku. She has authored two poetry books published by the name of 'they you and me' and 'dancing moonlight.' She received the Grand Prize in the 3rd Morioka Haiku Festival, 2021 and four haiku of merit in the World Haiku Review 2021/2022 alongwith an honourable mention at the Japan Fair 2021. Her haiku, tanka haibun and Haiga has been published in various journals of repute like Presence, Modern haiku, Haiku dialogue, Haiku in Action, Triveni haikuKatha, Drifting sands, Failed haiku, Stardust, among others.

Aditi Lahiry is a French and English language teacher. She is passionate about writing stories, poems and articles . Her works have been published in various anthologies including Airavata 1 by Mayaakatha and Pachyderm Tales published by Ukiyoto Publishing House and Letters From Santa by TellMeYourStory. 

Jerome Berglund has worked as everything from dishwasher to paralegal, night watchman to assembler of heart valves. Many haiku, haiga and haibun he’s written have been exhibited or are forthcoming online and in print, most recently in bottle rockets, Frogpond, and Modern Haiku. His first full-length collections of poetry Bathtub Poems and Funny Pages were just released by Setu and Meat For Tea press, and a mixed media chapbook showcasing his fine art photography is available now from Yavanika.

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