Daily Verse
Week 1, January 2024

There is Always Hope
by Peter A Witt 1st January 2024

We are like ships lost
in a tidal wave of blackness,
when suddenly a beacon of light
finds its way through a crack
in the abyss, showing
us the way to safe harbor.
There's always a path
through darkness,
a slit, a crack, a chink,
that helps us move
towards the light,
that's where we'll find hope
in our tomorrows despite
the darkness of our todays.
Poet's Note: Inspired by Leonard Cohen's
There's a crack in everything, that's how
the light gets in.

by Jennifer Gurney, 2nd January 2024

favorite jeans, sweatshirt–
second skin

the sprinkler chit-chits
I drink my coffee outside
waking with the world

looking back
I see forward

By Neena Singh 3rd January 2024

Nature’s dance, a timeless art,
Spring arrives, playing its part
Blossoms unfurl their vibrant hue,
Renewal's grace, a promise true.
From winter's grip, a thaw begins,
A symphony where life begins
The earth exhales, a sigh profound,
In every bud, new hope is found.
Soft breeze awakens the trees,
A canvas painted with leisurely ease
Leaves unfold their tender tale,
Renewal weaves, a vibrant trail.
With each sunrise, a chance to mend,
As seasons change, wounds transcend
In Nature’s cycles are souls reborn,
Renewal's anthem, forever sworn.

by Govind Joshi 4th January 2024

after the shower
a paper boat

stepping stone
to inner peace

autumn rain
in the nursery bed
fenugreek seeds sprouting

The Dark
By Sasha Clark, 5th January 2024

Fear not the dark
For there lingers within
subtle beauty and delight
When our side of the world quiets
energy and creativity flows
in abundance
Distraction is reduced
Worries can be placed aside
We can meet ourselves anew
We can know ourselves
as being born from love
As beings who didn't understand
As beings who weren't guided
Fear not the dark
For in silence we can forgive
In darkness we can find our voice
The voice that now sounds small
can echo through the night
teaching us of our inner beauty
Biographies of Poets
Peter A. Witt is a Texas poet, with poems appearing in online and print publications such as Bluebird Word, Verse-Virtual, Live Encounters. He is a former university professor who now devotes his time to researching and writing family history. poetry, birding, and photography.

Jennifer Gurney lives in Colorado where she teaches, paints, writes and hikes. Her poetry has appeared in a variety of journals, including Daily Verse, The Ravens Perch, HaikUniverse, Haiku Corner, Cold Moon Journal, Scarlet Dragonfly and The Haiku Foundation.
Govind Joshi is a mariner and navigates ships around the world for a living. He lives in Dehradun, India and loves nature, gardening, travel and poetry. His Japanese short form poetry has been published in many fine print and online journals including Frogpond, Presence, cattails and chrysanthemum.
Sasha Clark was raised in the suburbs in Baltimore, Maryland. About 11 1/2 years ago she moved with her husband to Southern New Mexico. She began writing self-healing posts on Facebook shortly after covid started. Then a friend introduced her to a Haiku group so now she writes at least one Haiku daily. She also makes gemstone necklaces, mostly turquoise. And is learning Tai Chi including sword form. Her day job is a reference investigator for a background investigation company which does screening mostly for hospitals.