Daily Verse
Week 1, March 2024

Music of the Lake
by Peter Witt 4th March 2024

Veins of a silky river flowed
like the tinkle of piano keys
into a melodious lake filled
with a speckle of dancing trout.
Lovers composed their tent
on the dew-blessed grass,
basking in the crescendo sounds
of the shallow lake outflow.
Lovers bathed in sunshine
until a short afternoon shower
recorded a magical sonata
in staff of their memories.
At sunset, their campfire triggered
a yellow cloud of sparks
that rose into the dusky sky
like a chorus of fireflies.
In the cool of evening
they'd swim as though
mermaids, enjoying the shimmer
of nature's wondrous concerto.
At daybreak they'd wake
to a song stealing mockingbird
accompanied by the jackhammer percussion
of a woodpecker in a nearby tree.

by Geeta Varma 5th March 2024

Like waves
It fills the dark room
And goes beyond -
The strains from a bygone era.
It is a day of drizzles
I sit in a corner, listening
Looking at the dark wet trees
Outside the window,
I can still smell the same smells
Of the wet green earth
While the violin plays
In my heart
An invisible tune,
My eyes water
As the pain passes,
Grief settles
Into its permanent place
The day she died.

How do I feed my Marriage?
By Bruce E. Whitacre 6th March 2024

Spoonful and knife paring
china optional never wavey
washing ashore over time
shapes a smooth beach
naps give space
awake touch buzz off
to nectar each our flowers
make the honey a home
sweet at the table, sour balances.
To partner is not always to lead
or to follow. To dance best, neither either.
Say what needs to be said
and leave knowing the unsaid. Fingers stroke
and soothe, hold down and smooth,
lift, calm, wag aware it’s
only me, only you,
spoon feed, fork spare.

Micro Poems
By Kavita Ratna 7th March 2024

emerald and pearls…
petals sway
to megh malhar

a lone pigeon
on the sill
grey coo deepens

in the dark canopy
a fiery African Tulip…
djembe beats

afternoon raag..
in the western ghats
echo of an echo

Grandma's Piano
By Gopal Lahiri 8th March 2024

Everything seems murkier and in pale focus
inside the corner room; lonely and deserted.
Grandma’s lean fingers are the syllables of rust
counting beats with quarter notes and half-notes.
Yet the keys of piano sound out strong octaves
and drown the lyrics Stay with me again and again.
Easy to notice your left hand plays the notes on the
bass and the right hand play the notes on the treble.
G-sharp or B-flat; each musical note is emerging
from myriad points of light and shadow trying to
form a cloud of memories and flames of the past
that keeps you going days, months, and years.
I imagine your absence is like presence here daily,
while the stars scrape their skins on the open windows.
Biographies of Poets