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Daily Verse

Week 2, November 2023

Image by Rodion Kutsaiev

Our Childhoods
by John Grey 6th November, 2023


I never saw snow as a child.

Didn't build snowmen.

Nor toboggan down golf-course hills.

Not one day did I spend

slipping and sliding on ice

or hurling cold wet balls

at passersby.


You say you loved

to plunge into the huge white mounds,

skate on ponds,

or simply watch the flakes

glissade down windows

or catch them in

your small pink hand.


In my childhood,

trees were as green as American money.

We had thunderstorms yes

but blizzards missed us

by half a hemisphere.


My summers were steamy,

my winters mild.

My past hung out at mercury’s high end.


Poems on Seasons

by Linda Ludwig, 7th November, 2023

Image by Chris Lawton

fall equinox the long and short of it

Image by Ganapathy Kumar


in the darkness

the rise of supermoon

Image by Dayne Topkin

standing under 

flaming red maple trees

a cool breeze brushes my cheek

Image by Kapil Viswanathan

By Kathleen Chamberlin, 8th November 2023

Rose 2

There is crispness in the autumn air, that chills cheeks and stirs blood

The swish and crunch of fallen leaves,

Marvelous in their carpet of many colors:

Yellow and orange and brown and vibrant red

Trees relinquishing those leaves waiting to cascade in artful swirls

When the breeze stirs them,,

Creating patterns kaleidoscopic below their branches.

The earth hums with movement in autumn:

Squirrels hoard acorns and geese flap farewell as they wend their way south.  

I recall moments when life was filled with anticipation,

Moments long dormant, hibernating in the past.

Memories of football games where I, in my green and white uniform,

Braved the cold to cheer on our team, my sneakers polished white,

Cheeks wind-kissed, long dark hair held back by a white headband, at sixteen

Oblivious to Time’s fickle nature.

I wish I had cherished those autumn moments more…

Autumn air reminds me now that life dwindles,and  plants will cease to blossom.

Some will kiss the earth goodbye, their leaves heavy with grief.

Others will sleep peacefully throughout the winter months,

Rousing again in spring.

And as this faded rose nears her three-quarter century year,

I wonder if this autumn in all its beauty will be my last,

Or if I will greet another spring bursting full of poetry and joy.

Image by David Brooke Martin


By Mona Bedi 9th November 2023

Image by Aaron Burden

deep winter

the fractal allure 

of snowflakes

Bench on Autumn Leaves

sunlit bench 

full of maple leaves — 

zen garden 

Image by Marten Bjork

beach walk

 a seagull’s cry lost

 in the ocean mist

Autumn Vibes

Spirit of Autumn
By Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia  10th November  2023

Autumn Wreath

Spirit of Autumn, we sense more than see you

In misty air that permeates our being 

Sunrises and sunsets that seem to free you

And give a mellowness to human seeing 

In trees that look as if they want to be you

From Summer’s hot embrace their branches freeing 

O Lovely Form, auburn, purple and gold ! 

What treasures in your ripe rich folds you hold ! 


Spirit of Autumn, bestowing sweet gifts 

Harvest of grains and fruits and kernelled nuts 

Bursting fat gourds juice flowing from the rifts

Alerting the inmates of humble huts 

It’s gathering time as smoke from chimneys drifts 

And mingles with the mist where copse abuts 

Busy are cider presses pastry cooks 

At dusk the congregating of the rooks 


Spirit of Autumn, glutting honeycombs 

Reddening apples peaches and rose- hips

Reminding wanderers of cosy homes 

Whenever a sudden draft of coolness nips

Sending children on hunts for elves and gnomes 

And bringing your paeans to poets’ lips 

We see you in the clear night sky and stars 

And in calm waters lapping blond sandbars


Spirit of Autumn, arming us for Winter 

We see you in the turning of the leaves 

We learn not to let things go out of kilter 

But gather in our grain in golden sheaves 

Shore up home timbers so they do not splinter

And knit a thicker thatch for cottage eaves 

Guardian and Friend, Most Generous of Seasons 

We love and honour you for all these reasons!

Biographies of Poets

Amita Paul is one of the various pen names used by Punjab-born, Patna-based, retired Indian bureaucrat Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia . She enjoys writing in different genres, in English, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi .Her writings are imaginative and humane, with occasional flashes of wit and frequent touches of wry humour.

Mona Bedi is a medical doctor in Delhi, India. She has been writing poetry since childhood but a few years back she started writing the Japanese form.. haiku. She has authored two poetry books published by the name of 'they you and me' and 'dancing moonlight.' She received the Grand Prize in the 3rd Morioka Haiku Festival, 2021 and four haiku of merit in the World Haiku Review 2021/2022 alongwith an honourable mention at the Japan Fair 2021. Her haiku, tanka haibun and Haiga has been published in various journals of repute like Presence, Modern haiku, Haiku dialogue, Haiku in Action, Triveni haikuKatha, Drifting sands, Failed haiku, Stardust, among others.

Kathleen Chamberlin is a retired educator living in Albany, New York. She began writing creatively during the quarantine period of Covid-19 and her writing has appeared in both print and online journals and anthologies.

Linda Ludwig loves poetry and the beauty of nature which she captures in her beautiful poetry.

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Stand, Santa Fe Literary Review, and Lost Pilots. Latest books, ”Between Two Fires”, “Covert” and  “Memory Outside The Head” are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in the Seventh Quarry, La Presa and California Quarterly..

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