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Daily Verse

Week 4, April  2024

Image by Clark Wilson

by Sasha Clark  22nd April  2024


Rainbow colors dance in water on air
Shimmering in dazzling sunlight
Dancing with fibrous clouds

Colors call to our inner child
Come play with me
Be young again

Swirling rhythms of varied hues
Play rainbow games
From brush to page

We connect with color emotionally

Open your heart
to feel the beauty color embodies

Close your eyes to see
the fabulous colors you hold within

Image by Henrik Dønnestad

Some More Poems

by Robert Witmer 23rd April 2024

Robert witmer1.png

dark clouds

weigh upon the yellow leaves

he leans on his cane

Robert Witmer2.png

dew sparkles

in the bluegrass, a mare

suckles her foal

Robert Witmer 3.png

tassels of wheat

brush the evening sky

a painter baking bread

Image by Basil Smith

Shades & Hues

By Urmi Chakraborty 24th April  2024

Chocolate Praline

The verdant meadows in spring

A peach-and-pink sunset on the hills

An artist’s failed masterpiece

The crimson landscape of my heart –

A melange of colours...a patchwork of emotions

Abiding companions in my daily hustle.

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Baby Blues

By Baisali Chatterjee Dutt 19th March 2024

Watercolor Shape

You are more than the blues you exhale.

You are the cerulean that hides in the sky
and the seas borrow
to drape
               and seduce the sand.
You are the turquoise embedded
in brown rock,
giving it colour,
               and a sense of self-worth.

You are more than the blues
that you have been swallowing
silently over the years.

You are every colour of the rainbow
and all their manifold shades
in names as alluring as porcelain,
                                         and seafoam.

You are the white feather
of a meditating dove,
the scented lavender
of perfumed winds,
the bloodred heart
that beats loudly for those who loved you,
                                               who left you,
                                               who laughed at you,
                                               but you still bleed for.

You are more than the blues.

You are the new blades of grass,
             the rain-washed world,
             the curls of smoke from hot rice,
             the amber light of chilled apple juice.

In pouring out your tints and shades
to paint the world,
keep some inside for you.

For you are more than the blues.

Image by Milad Fakurian

Poems: Discovering the Unsaid

By Vijay Prasad 25th March 2024

virgin microbe caught in the rainbow.jpg

a virgin microbe caught in the rainbow

grey city.jpg

with kisses  she devours  an entire grey city

white lies.jpg

repeatedly she coughs up lies that are so white

in her white smile a seed of smoke

her green love a game of definitions

Biographies of Poets

Sasha Clark was raised in the suburbs in Baltimore, Maryland. About 11 1/2 years ago she moved with her husband to Southern New Mexico. She began writing self-healing posts on Facebook shortly after covid started. Then a friend introduced her to a Haiku group so now she writes at least one Haiku daily. She also makes gemstone necklaces, mostly turquoise. And is learning Tai Chi including sword form. Her day job is a reference investigator for a background investigation company which does screening mostly for hospitals.

Urmi Chakravorty is a former educator and presently, a freelance writer, reviewer and editor based out of Bangalore, India. She is a military spouse and has majored in English Literature and Language. Her non-fiction pieces are occasionally published in The Hindu and The Times of India. As co-author, her short stories and poems have found space in twenty-five domestic and international literary journals and anthologies, including Women’s Web, Writefluence, TMYS Reviews, Borderless Journal and The Wise Owl. Urmi is an Orange Flower awardee for writing on LGBTQIA issues. Her other interests include reading, music, travel, and spending time with community dogs.

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